I love my baby cousins but taking care of them can be a hand
full sometimes. My mom is amazing she can handle 7 kids in one day. She has me ( 13 years old almost
14 ), my brother ( 11 years old ), my sister( 9 years old ), my cousin Emily (
9 years old ), little nephew ( 2 years old ), my baby niece ( 5 months ), and
my uncles girlfriend daughter ( 1 year old ). My mom doesn't work on Saturday
or Sunday so everyone leaves their kids with my mom. My mom only gets doesn't
get paid and that okay, but i wish she did. We had just began to babysit again
because my aunt can finally go back to work so we take care of her kids. She doesn't
live that far from us just 3 blocks away, so it's a good way to find someone
fast. My niece cries so much and she wants to be carried all the time, and my nephew
is alright. My cousin Emily is the one who can be the most hand whole, she
wants everything and doesn't share my mom's says uits because she doesn't have
anyone her age to play or share with. Her older brother are in there early
20's. So that my Saturdays what's your?