Sunday, November 15, 2015

Happy birthday box DIY

  This is a new thing for me I'll be doing a Happy birthday DIY box. A DIY is short for do it your self.
Things you'll need: 
1. Any size paper
2. One or more markers
3. Tape or glue. 
Ready lets do this

1. You want to get square paper or orgagami paper
Fold the paper into 4 squares 
Like this
Doesn't need to be perfect

2. Fold one of the side to the center line 
Like this then repeat 

Like this when you open it you should have sixteen squares
3. You fold all corners to the center

Like this

4. Then you release two corners
Like this

5. Next you fold the sides to the center 

You should have something like this so far.

6. You carefully fold the pointy corners te center till it's the same size as the edges. Do this to both sides 
This is what you should have a square
Now you can keep it like this or you can decorate it with your markers. I used one makers. 

     Since its all most my dad birthday I made this for him. I used a dark brown and drew messy lines. I also added a paper happy birthday hat on one of the edges. Which I will be showing how to do next week.  
This is how it should have come out just without the hat. 
If you want to know how do the hat search up on YouTube im sorry my cousin did it for me. Also I am so very sorry if you it didn't come out. But check out orgagami man he inspired me to do this
                                                                thanks for reading!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

My first halloween part 2.

Read my last weeks blog to catch on with the story

                                             My mom came running at me and said, ''its okay, don't worry you went

 unconscious so we out you on the bed till you woke up''. '' I couldn't speak so I had to find a piece of

 paper and needed a pen to communicate . I tried my best to explain that I lost my voice, and that

 I wanted to go home, but they couldn't understand me because I was using hand signals. So we

 ended up going to other scary houses and trick or treating some more. The other houses weren't as

 scary I could handle it, but don't laugh back then I was very scared about a lot of stuff.

 After we finished trick or treating we went to a party around the neighborhood, again they

weren't as scary as the other one.

 So I didn't really like my first experience on Halloween, but it was fun I guess getting candy and getting scared. the end
thanks for reading!!!


Monday, November 2, 2015

My first halloween part .1


     My first Halloween was when I was in 3rd grade. My friend invited me to go with her. We went to
 some houses around my elementary. I really liked it at first but as we got to the scary
 houses....umm..not so much.  There was this one house where they had Freddy, Jason, and 3 other
 scary people, Freddy had Jason on a bed and the 3 people were around him. Its the scariest house
  in that city every year. When we got to that house my mom told me to go closer so she can take a

picture. So I went  closer, and out of no where a scary person... thing...something jumps out of one

where and starts cashing me. I ran around in circles until I hit a big car in the drive way. when I woke

up I noticed that I was on the same bed Jason was on. I litterly screamed so loud I lost my voice for a few hours. My mom came running to me and told me.......  to  be continued
                                        thanks for reading!!!!
stay tuned for

next weeks
blog part .2